Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Leslie Morgan said...

That face would have drawn me to photograph it, as well. I like how engaged he is with you. His eyes focused right on your lens. This fits with my "connecting with others" theme.

Kass said...

Limes - you are amazing. I really don't expect anyone to comment on this blog. It's just an outlet for my photography OCD. Thanks for appreciating. This guy was our waiter last night and he was charming. He said he was flying to Vegas right after serving us to give a massage to some lime green lady.

Leslie Morgan said...

{Chuckle} Kass, the deal is [I'm not being humorous, this is true] I typically have something to say about everything. I'm going to use a phrase here that's been bouncing around all of our blogs from The Big Lebowski. This is not actually me putting foul language on your blog. I have so much to say, some people might even want to respond "Shut the fuck up, Les."

Kass said...

Oh no, don't EVER do that!